The Best Grilled Cheese Sandwich



1. Prepare the Cheese Mixture:

  • In a mixing bowl, combine the shredded sharp cheddar, Gruyère, and grated Parmesan cheeses.
  • Add Dijon mustard and garlic powder to the cheese mixture. Mix well until evenly combined.
  • Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

2. Butter the Bread:

  • Lay out the slices of sourdough bread on a clean surface.
  • Spread a thin layer of softened butter on one side of each slice.

3. Assemble the Sandwich:

  • Place a non-buttered side of a bread slice down on a preheated griddle or skillet over medium heat.
  • Sprinkle a generous amount of the cheese mixture evenly on the bread slice.
  • Top with another slice of bread, buttered side facing up.

4. Grill to Perfection:

  • Grill the sandwich for about 3-4 minutes on each side or until the bread turns golden brown and crispy, and the cheese is fully melted.
  • Press the sandwich gently with a spatula while grilling to ensure even melting.

5. Serve:

  • Remove the grilled cheese sandwich from the heat and let it rest for a minute before slicing.
  • Cut the sandwich diagonally for an appealing presentation.

6. Optional Additions:

  • Customize your grilled cheese sandwich with additional ingredients such as cooked bacon, caramelized onions, or sliced tomatoes for extra flavor.

7. Enjoy:

  • Serve your Best Grilled Cheese Sandwich immediately while it’s hot and gooey.
  • Pair it with your favorite soup or a side of pickles for a classic and satisfying meal.

Note: Experiment with different cheese combinations or bread varieties to find your perfect combination for “The Best Grilled Cheese Sandwich” that suits your taste preferences.

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